
Top 10 Countries with Highest Job Opportunities
25 Aug 2016

One of the most important decision a person has to take is finding a good job and professional environment. Long time ago people used to work for one employer their entire life and usually it used to be where they were born. Nowadays technology and modern way of life gives the opportunity to have much more options to choose from. More liberal Legislations and democracy gives a lot to people who want to have the career and professional development they want in the country they want to live and have happy life. Boundaries are not obstacles any more Visa and work permits are not obstacles as well/check

There are a number of countries which economies are growing and they need professionals to help fill their needs of good work force. In this research the top 2 positions are occupied by Asian countries.


  1. Singapore
  2. Hong Kong
  3. United Arab Emirates
  4. Australia
  5. USA
  6. France
  7. China
  8. Netherlands
  9. UK
  10. Mexico

The leader in this research Singapore has huge needs in telecommunications and IT sector. The stable economy and good business relations of the country on global level creates a lot of opportunities for qualified people.

The runner up Hong Kong is famous for its global trading and business environment as well as great tourist destination which provides a lot of opportunities for young and ambitious people who want to explore new culture and have some Asian experience with global business environment.

3rd place is for United Arab Emirates. This country has a lot of resources mainly thanks to its oil. There are a lot of huge projects financed by the government and a lot of opportunities in the oil and engineering sectors as well as construction building. The huge demands of those industries and endless resources leads to good salaries for people that are not afraid of the hot climate.

Number 4 is for Australia a vast country with endless needs for people in any sector of business and skill sets.

The surprising country here is Mexico. Famous for its culture, good climate and famous tourist destination. The country has 14th largest economy and is in top 10 for production of electronics and computers globally. The oil industry is very well developed taking 6th place in the world. This makes this economy appealing for qualified workers.

For more information about this click here.

Author: VisaFirst