Brexit is reality. How is it going to affect travel and migration to UK
After several months of discussions and rumors about UK future and its relations with EU yesterday the prime minister of UK announced officially that the Article 50 is triggered. There are many questions unresolved. Many stakeholders are interested into how the life after Brexit is going to affect them. The business is concerned about the boundaries and regulation as well as the trade regulations with EU. Many Europeans working and living on the isle are worried whether they will be able to continue to live there. It will also affects tourism between UK and EU. There are already signs showing increased number of tourists visiting UK. Obviously, people are worried if in the future they will be able to easily cross the borders.
About 3 million European citizens are working in the UK and are concerned about their future. During this 2 years of transition and negotiations most likely those people will continue to live and work there without a problem. It is very unlikely to be deported to EU partially because on the other hand big number of UK citizens are living and working in EU and this will cause a huge chaos.
Important for many people is the question about the EU nationals and their residency rights. It is very important for the EU officials to negotiate good policy in this respect. The negotiations are still not in progress and there is no agenda for this prepared. Certainly this topic will be discussed and the outcome is very important.
Immigration is another key point in this situation. Until now, every EU citizen had the right to live and work in UK. One of the main reasons for UK to trigger Article 50 is to have better control over EU migration. There are several possible scenarios about this situation. One is to have minimal restrictions of EU citizens migrating to UK and only having a cap on number of people entering the isle. The other more restrictive approach is to require a job offer in order to work in UK. Discussed is a plan where business will point key sectors where they need more workforce. This will open slots for professionals in the given sectors.
The access for tourists most likely will not be affected after the Brexit.
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